Restore With The Arts, Inc.
Mar 11, 2024
Meriden Non-Profit Announces New Leadership to Keep Twilight Concert
Series Moving Ahead
Meriden, CT – Restore With The Arts (RWTA), a Meriden non-profit organization,
has announced exciting changes to ensure the continuation of its popular Twilight
Concert Series at the Meriden Green in 2024.
Following David Grodzicki's well-deserved retirement, a new executive team was
elected at a Board Meeting on March 5th, 2024. Meriden resident Denise Jones, a
longtime participant with her band "Inner Groove," will take the helm as President.
Joining her are Frank Critelli (VP), Bruce Burchsted (Treasurer), and Dave Cooley
(Secretary). Founder and outgoing President Steve Robichaud will remain on the
board to facilitate a smooth transition, along with Carrie Teele.
"We're incredibly grateful to David Grodzicki and Carrie Teele for their dedication
leading the Twilight Series," said Robichaud. "Their efforts were instrumental in
establishing the Meriden Green Amphitheater as a premier music venue. We have
full confidence that Denise and her team will build upon this legacy, curate fantastic
music experiences, and further illuminate Meriden's downtown through the power of
Denise Jones, a passionate advocate for the arts, brings a unique perspective to the
role. "Inner Groove has been a staple of the Twilight Series since its inception," she
shared. "We have a strong team with a deep appreciation for music, combined with
the necessary skills and energy to manage this transition effectively. This year will be
dedicated to new ideas and collaboration to enhance the Series."
Along with Meriden’s Recreation Coordinator, Kathy Matula, the new leadership
team is actively working to finalize schedules, with a half dozen concerts in the
works. Stay tuned for further announcements, and get ready to experience the magic
of live music at the Meriden Green!